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The PCSNJ Flea Market

Arelyne Pacho-Ramos

A PCSNJ Flea market was held on Sunday, October 22, 2023, cochaired by Annabelle Maccherone and Arelyne Pacho-Ramos.

The weather was cold and windy, but customers still came to taste Filipino food and buy the wares from 11 vendors. Two tables were taken by PC Seniors led by Mildred Saldaña to raise funds for our charitable activities. Other vendors were Arlene Gonzales, Minerva Cuartero, Frances Estella, Kim Nguyen, Rodelia Bennett, Nina Suarez, Enriqueta Oliver, Femy Whitzell, and Zeny Ortega.

Those buying 50/50 raffle tickets were delighted in getting a packet of dried bay leaves from the Camba family. The winner, Ed Bernardo, generously donated back his $30 prize money.

The vendors agreed that it was an enjoyable event to be repeated but hoped it be done during warm weather days. Afterwards, tables were brought back inside the Center by volunteers Joe Maccherone and Angel Lorenzana.

We thank everyone who was involved in the planning and execution of this enjoyable event.



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